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Quiz 01


This quiz consists of 30 questions that need to be answered in 15 minutes.


The quiz contest will remain open upto 30-Sep-2022.


Two participants who answer all the questions correctly will receive a Mechanical Gaming Keyboard as a prize.


Gaming Keyboard
Image for illustration only. Actual product may differ.

If more than 2 participants qualify, selection of winners would be done by a random draw on 01-Oct-2022.


The details of the winner will be posted on the website, and they would also be notified via email on how they could claim their prize.

1 / 30

What is the chemical name of common salt?

2 / 30

_____ is the national bird of the US

3 / 30

A typical chess board consists of _____ squares

4 / 30

You can fold a sheet of paper into half consecutively for a maximum of _____ times

5 / 30

Jack's mother is Jane's sister's father-in-law's wife. How is Jane related to Jack?

6 / 30

How many pairs of animals did Moses save from the great flood?

7 / 30

____ is the hardest natural material known

8 / 30

_____ is the national sport of the US

9 / 30

____ holds the record for being the #1 male golfer for the most number of years in the year-end world golfer rankings

10 / 30

Identify the TV Series from the picture


11 / 30

Jerry runs at 2 m/sec and after 5 seconds Tom starts chasing him at 3 m/sec. In how much time will Tom catch up with Jerry?

12 / 30

Humpty falls off from a wall and injures his arm. His doctor Dumpty recommends him to use a pain balm for the next 10 days to manage pain. Humpty remains asleep for 8 hours in a day, and while awake, applying 2 grams of the pain balm relieves him of the pain for 30 minutes. How much pain balm would Humpty need?

13 / 30

Plants create their own food in a process known as _____


14 / 30

How many miles make up a nautical mile?

15 / 30

_____ is the term used to describe people who can use both hands equally well

16 / 30

_____ is the largest dam in the US

17 / 30

Identify the actor in the picture


18 / 30

How many bones are present in a fully grown human being?

19 / 30

Which of these famous personalities is featured on the US $100 bill?

20 / 30

Which of these occupies more space at normal temperature and pressure?

21 / 30

What material is human hair composed of?


22 / 30

23 / 30

What is 2 + 2 * 10 + 20 * 100


24 / 30

_____ is the most populous state in the US

25 / 30

Who was the shortest serving US President?

26 / 30

Fear of heights is referred to as _____.

27 / 30

Who did America get its name from?

28 / 30

Which US spaceflight was the first to successfully carry humans to the moon?

29 / 30

John wanted to order a 10-inch pizza from a local pizza store, but since the 10-inch pizzas were exhausted, the shop owner offered John one 5-inch pizza and one 7-inch pizza for the same price. Should John accept the offer?

30 / 30

The pet in the classic film series Beethoven is a _____ breed

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